$5,000.00 USD

 Terms and Conditions

I am not a medical physician. In case of an emergency please call 911 or go to your nearest medical facility.

I fully understand this treatment is not a substitute for medical treatment and it may take several sessions before I notice any benefit. This will depend on my lifestyle, ongoing medication, and general health. I understand that if I have been untruthful with my details or have failed to give enough relevant information the outcome of any regression therapy could be adversely affected, and my health and well-being may be put at risk.

I understand Victoria Amador, Soul Healing Tribe does not claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. My opinion is that of a holistic, complementary and alternative practitioner and my professional opinions, advice, examinations and recommendations do NOT constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician. I confirm that I have given my personal details for the practitioner’s use in connection with the therapy and consent to the storage of these details for at least ten years. (We are unable to provide any therapy without your consent.)

It’s crucial to understand that I am a non-therapeutic practitioner, meaning that I do not practice medical hypnotherapy or hypnosis to address mental or physical illness in a therapeutic medical environment. This means that I do not work based on medical diagnosis.

The soul does not understand the medical terms and I focus 100% on spiritual hypnosis which is non-medical. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with a mental or physical condition understand that I am not working on the mental or physical challenge but rather on the emotional state of the symptom. This is important to understand since if the physical or mental disorder has been materialized, hypnosis could only help you with the emotional traumas.  I am not a medical physician.

Your ‘Therapy’ Session or Program is a partnership. We will work with your subconscious mind, yet the intentions you set, the preparation you make and the actions you take are critical to you getting your best outcomes. The more you put in, the more you get out. I can’t do the work for you, so you really must be a very willing participant in your own healing journey!

In this partnership, I have a responsibility to guide you through a great healing process, and you have a personal responsibility to focus on following that process with earnest diligence.

Remember to be present, work hard, reflect, contemplate, be open and honest, be able to get emotionally naked for best optimal healing results.

Do that, and the Terms and Conditions will automatically be adhered to. For clarity, and in case of wandering off the path, here are the policies for variations from this way.

The Five Vital Tips / Prerequisites

1) Work on Communication / with your Higher Self often – daily and develop a strong sisterhood / brotherhood. Learn to do so DAILY even if its just for 3 mins!

2) Learn to Trust your Higher Self – and please show on time to your appointments. If your apt is online be ready 15 mins before the call. We can’t waste time on setting up technology or addressing tech issues….if your apt is in person please be respectful and show up on time. It often gets cold in the office please bring a sweater. If you use socks for sleeping please make sure you bring a pair to use as well.

3) Get ready for your sessions! If you can’t surrender and release control, and contemplate on what you want healing don’t expect Victoria to do that for you.

4) Be like a child! You have to be willing to participate fully and trying your best to go with the flow – even when it sounds crazy / too magically or too weird or imaginary....you have to trust that Victoria has been given the right tools and trainings to help you!

5) Be Sober - Please do not take any drugs to relax you. No alcohol, marijuana or relaxation pills. Continue to take your prescribed medications from your doctor but know that antidepressants may very well affect your ability to connect with your emotions. If there is a block in your connecting to your emotion healing is limited.


Awakening the Healer Within

Each person has a different experience and here are some of the things you may work thru as part of being in the program: 

  • 5 Sessions Total (Either in Person or Online - May include any of the following options depending on the main issue you wish to work thru for your program).
    • Life long wounds / relationship traumas 
    • Awaken, Develop or Strengthen your connection to Your Ancestors
    • Dreamwork
    • Breathwork
    • Heal Loneliness / hopelessness / anxiety / anger (customized to each client)
    • Release anger, low vibration emotions 
    • Heart energies understand, development and connection 
    • Throat and 3rd eye chakra release, awakening, balancing, and connection
    • Release Childhood Trauma / Soul Retrieval
    • Integration Sessions
  • Guided Group Breathwork (Monthly Experiences)
  • Private Breathwork / Integration Calls
  • Weekly Live Group Coaching

To see what some clients have work through with Victoria's guidance. See here. 

What People Are Saying:

I would LOVE if you shared this with any and everyone. I was so hopeless and feeling like I had no future in this life. That I would never be free. I would have never believed I could break through. Would love to give anyone hope or encouragement. I’ve been there and plan to share my story with others for that very reason.


My session with Victoria was the most healing session I’ve ever experienced without the use of plant medicine. I connected to inter dimensional beings who I witnessed sending myself and the rest of humanity healing light of love and oneness. I connected with my mother after more than 18 years of searching for her, in a way my heart had always longed for. She transitioned 18 years ago and although we had interacted together, in my dream state many times, it was never enough for me. That all changed with my QHHT session and now I feel her so close to me all the time. So much healing! I feel like I experienced so many activations and now feel the energy of the Universe flowing through me, I am an now an open channel for my Higher Self! I feel so blessed and grateful to Victoria for such a beautiful and amazingly healing session.


Joining the Awakening the Healer program has been a beautiful experience. Victoria is such an amazing person to work with. I have gained so much knowledge and healing that it has truly been life changing. Couldn’t recommend this enough!


I have done a total of 5 sessions over the course of 3 months with Victoria to release past traumas, heal the heart, release childhood abuse, and tap into my spiritual gifts. Victoria is a gift, I can't believe how lucky I am to have found her when I needed the most. I have tapped into a part of me I did not know existed and have changed so much in just 3 months. I am in owe that it took me to this age to do something about my life. I am just grateful my spirit guides led me to her.


Love working with Victoria . Her healing sessions have been life changing ! Her video courses are interactive and fun . I would recommend her to anyone no matter what your spiritual background is.


Victoria is a kind and loving soul whose guidance and expertise was remarkable. I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking help in their healing journey. Thanks so much Victoria
